New Media Ventures Quietly Fosters a Progressive Revolution

May 26, 2016

New Media Ventures is a network of angel investors supporting media and tech startups that disrupt politics and catalyze progressive change. It focuses on scalable, revenue-generating, tech startups that create long-term political impact beyond any one election cycle. Through its Innovation Fund, it supports both early stage nonprofit and for-profit tech and media startups working to create a more progressive future. Thanks in part to funding from Voqal, New Media Ventures and its Innovation Fund are providing the assistance needed to advance progressive change through the use of media and technology.

New Media Ventures has provided financial and network support to several emerging nonprofit and for-profit startups. They include ToSomeone, ShareProgress, TinyGive, EmpowerEngine, Frakture, EdgeFlip, Culture Lab, ParentsTogether, Hearken, and Blavity. By providing early-stage funding, support and validation to these promising innovators, New Media Ventures greatly increased their odds of success.

In addition to its Innovation Fund work, New Media Ventures has also helped advance progressive causes through its work with ActBlue to create ActBlue Civics. This platform enables ActBlue to connect donors interested in supporting political causes with the small advocacy organizations in need of funding. Not only did New Media Ventures’ funding network help effectively launch this platform, but also its success served as the impetuous for the launch of ActBlue Charities — a donor platform for those interested in donating to charitable organizations.

Over the past couple of years, New Media Ventures has made great strides in advancing the causes of a diverse collection of organizations who are creating true progressive change. Its focus on media and technology to create this change aligns well with Voqal’s mission. Voqal is excited for the increased social equity that will no doubt result from this work and looks forward to the potential for even greater progress in the future.