New Organizing Institute Serves Up Political Digital Strategy With a Side of Hogwarts

July 9, 2014

New Organizing Institute hosts new media and digital strategy trainings that introduce core concepts of online and digital organizing from developing an email program and social networking, to developing a ladder of engagement and cross-departmental integration.

Recently, with support from various organizations, including Voqal Fund, New Organizing Institute hosted a Harry Potter themed New Media Bootcamp. Participants learn the basics, as well as advanced techniques, such as mobile marketing, online advertising and advanced email management.

The Washington Post yesterday published a delightful story about the bootcamp, chock full of Hogwarts references. In addition to being a fun read, the piece highlights NOI’s unique approach to developing a wider talent pool:

“Personality and community, Fulker and others said, is boot camp’s secret sauce. It’s the foundation for a much larger network of liberals than boot camp itself can reasonably hope to train. Whereas an organization’s loyalty might otherwise end at its own front door or its state boundary, NOI’s created a self-sustaining organism that ties activists and organizers into a more cohesive crowd that evolves over time.”

We’re happy to share NOI’s success here on the Voqal #makingairwaves blog and encourage readers to check out the Washington Post story.