Brand Assets

We like our logos and try to treat them with care. We ask that you do the same.

Below you can download our logos and the Voqal Identity Guidelines Version 2016 pdf. Please note that we have secured the Voqal trademark and reserve the right to stop you from using our logo if we do not believe its use is appropriate.

Examples of when to use our logo:
-Editorial use: A story about Voqal or one of the Voqal initiatives
-Grant promotion: You have received funding from us (most likely from our Voqal Fund initiative)

If you are unsure if you meet the requirements to download and use our logo, or which logo to use, then please contact Kristen Perry, email, 303.532.2850.

The following download contains various formats of our main Voqal logo, as well as our individual initiative logos. Guidelines for their use are also included.
Voqal Brand Assets Download