
in Protecting Public Airwaves, Voqal

July 22, 2014 Our very own John Schwartz, Voqal’s president, wrote a commentary published in Current on the FCC’s role in protecting public TV’s coverage in the upcoming spectrum auction. In addition to providing a short background, Schwartz advocates for public broadcasting to operate outside of “market forces” and encourages the FCC to establish rules

in Voqal

By Kristen Meador May 6, 2014 Here at Voqal we are celebrating a birthday of sorts. Forty years ago, in early Spring 1974, Pittsburgh radio station WYEP went on the air. Pittsburgh’s first community support radio station was founded by Jeff Smith and our very own John Schwartz. Tim Means, a freelance writer for the

in Voqal

By Kristen Meador March 19, 2014 We’re happy to share that progressive stalwarts (and Voqal board members) Carl Wolfson and Thom Hartmann are returning to Portland airwaves on XRAY.FM. Read more at BlueOregon or at The Oregonian.

in Voqal

By Kristen Meador February 26, 2014 Almost a year ago five nonprofit organizations that got their start transmitting educational video programs to schools in the mid-80s came together under one brand: Voqal. In honor of our one year ‘Voqalversary’ I posted an informational video that details how Voqal works at the intersection of media and

in Voqal

By John Schwartz February 11, 2014 There really is no way to sugarcoat this – The surveillance apparatus that the U.S. government has assembled is more dangerous than generally acknowledged. It is just what a totalitarian regime would require. If devoted to such a purpose, these tools would make us the ever-monitored servants of an omniscient

in Voqal

By Gabrielle H. Lyon, on behalf of Voqal The aim of this paper is to report on the feasibility of creating of a mobile learning initiative for students in Chicago, with a focus on engaging and empowering learners from disenfranchised populations. To that end, the landscape of existing activities and opportunities in Chicago, the context

in Voqal

By John Schwartz February 4, 2014 Democracy lives on diverse ideas – and although Americans have plenty of ideas, most of them are not finding their way into the national discourse. For over 30 years I have led our efforts to get to the root of this problem, mostly by supporting alternative media outlets and

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