Twin Cities

in Making Grants

June 16, 2016 TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide network of people working to realize racial and economic equity across Minnesota. It does this by connecting people and organizations to each other, turning someone’s individual desire for change – to pass a more progressive policy or law, to improve an institution, or to change a harmful

in Offering Fellowships

June 3, 2016 The Voqal Fellowship is an investment in a new generation of social entrepreneurs. Fellows receive financial resources and mentoring to help bring an early stage idea to life. The Voqal Fellowship is an opportunity for young innovators to test assumptions, research target audiences and build strong business plans. As part of our

in Making Grants

May 26, 2016 New Media Ventures is a network of angel investors supporting media and tech startups that disrupt politics and catalyze progressive change. It focuses on scalable, revenue-generating, tech startups that create long-term political impact beyond any one election cycle. Through its Innovation Fund, it supports both early stage nonprofit and for-profit tech and

in Making Grants

May 23, 2016 Brave New Films is a nonpartisan nonprofit that champions social justice issues using a model of media, education and grassroots volunteer involvement to inspire, empower, motivate and teach civic participation. Using media, films, volunteers and Internet video campaigns, it informs the public, challenges mainstream media with the truth, and motivates people to

in Increasing Internet Access, Voqal

May 20, 2016 As fans of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance and the work Angela Siefer and others do to promote digital inclusion nationwide we were excited about attending the recent Digital Inclusion Summit. When it was announced that the FCC’s Gigi Sohn, Counselor to the Chairman, was going to be the keynote, well that

in Making Grants

May 19, 2016 The Citizen Engagement Lab (CEL) Education Fund empowers tech-savvy, people-powered organizing initiatives. It supports the use of technology and digital media to keep the public informed about how key institutions like government, corporations and the media are affecting their lives. By providing opportunities for people to become informed and then act on

in Making Grants, Offering Fellowships, Voqal

May 18, 2016 Voqal Fund program officer and manager of the Voqal Fellowship, Leah Pryor-Lease will moderate a panel titled Effective Civic Tech: Getting Beyond Bubble Gum + Paper Clips at the 2016 Funders Committee for Civic Engagement Convening on Wednesday, May 25. The panel will focus on a survey New Media Ventures recently conducted

in Increasing Internet Access

April 27, 2016 Today the Schools, Health &, Libraries Broadband Coalition (SHLB) is launching a new campaign effort, Grow2Gig+, to promote high-speed broadband access for anchor institutions and their communities. Anchor institutions like schools and libraries are vital in addressing the digital divide at a community level. The National Broadband Plan called for bringing gigabit

in Making Grants

April 20, 2016 CivicMedia-Minnesota Production Co., Inc. is a Saint Paul, Minnesota nonprofit that was created to bring media and civic literacy through information, education and empowerment of residents and students in local, state and regional public affairs. They engage citizens and students in understanding issues of governance and public policy, critiquing media coverage of

in Investing for Educational Impact

April 13, 2016 Voqal Education aims to educate and empower the public to foster a stronger, healthier democracy. With a goal of reducing opportunity gaps in education, the Voqal Education Venture Fund seeds innovators and change-makers already working in the educational space with funding and other resources. To this end, Voqal recently invested in three

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