Whether Snail Mail or Blog Posts – Our Mission Stays the Same

By John Schwartz
February 4, 2014

Democracy lives on diverse ideas – and although Americans have plenty of ideas, most of them are not finding their way into the national discourse. For over 30 years I have led our efforts to get to the root of this problem, mostly by supporting alternative media outlets and promoting universal access to information.

During my tenure there have been a lot of changes – not the least of which is how we communicate to our various audiences. From snail mail and faxes to blog posts and tweets, we have endeavored to stay up-to-speed on the latest, most effective channels. To that end, I have decided (or have been coerced into – depending on whose story you believe) to blog from time to time. This, of course, is how we find ourselves here – my first Voqal blog post.

So be on the lookout for blogs from me featuring commentary on various topics relevant to social justice, as well as one of my specialties, telecom. Or perhaps, I will just share my predictions for the upcoming baseball season and proclaim repeatedly why Sandy Koufax is one of the all time greats. Either way, blog posts from me will be signed as such and I welcome your feedback. Also, Voqal has several Twitter handles; tweets from me will feature the hashtag #AstheSpectrumTurns.

Until next time,