Voqal Education to Discontinue EduOnDemand.org in July

Voqal Education plans to discontinue its free, online instructional video-streaming site, EduOnDemand.org this July. After decades of providing instructional video, EduOnDemand.org was launched in 2012 to better address both teachers’ needs and expectations regarding instructional video content. However, as times and technology have continued to change, the number and success of online alternatives means EduOnDemand.org no longer fills these users’ needs.

Users will also be notified via the EduOnDemand.org site and via email that the streaming service will discontinue on July 1, 2015.

Educational video has been part of Voqal’s DNA for 30 years making the decision bittersweet. While it is sad to stop doing something that has been such a large part of Voqal for so long, discontinuing EduOnDemand.org frees up resources that will allow us to continue to use our EBS licenses to provide low-cost Internet services to schools and nonprofits, as well as pursue exciting new organizations that are already creating change in the educational space through our new Voqal Education Venture Fund effort.