Philadelphians Rally to #StopSprint

November 17, 2015

Philadelphia residents met outside a downtown Sprint store this afternoon to protest Sprint’s shutdown of broadband access to 300,000 Americans, including more than 10,000 PhiladelphianPhillys.

Mobile Citizen and Mobile Beacon currently provide unlimited broadband service for $10 a month to 429 schools, 61 libraries and 1,820 nonprofit organizations across the country on Sprint’s WiMax network, including Philadelphia Education Fund and Jump Wireless in the Philadelphia area. 

Many of these organizations, in turn, provide service to underserved individuals not able to afford Internet service otherwise. Sprint planned to shut down the WiMax network on Friday, Nov. 6, but was prevented from doing so by a preliminary injunction, which Sprint has appealed.

Read more about today’s protest in Philadelphia and the ongoing fight to #StopSprint.