Stop Sprint’s Shenanigans. Join Us Friday in DC.

Dec. 14, 2015

The clock on the 90-day injunction stopping Sprint from cutting Internet access is ticking. And even with the courts stepping in to stop Sprint from shutting off the Internet, Sprint is dragging its heels and filing appeal after appeal.

We need to hold Sprint’s feet to the fire and push them to protect 300,000 vulnerable people’s Internet access. As part of our efforts we are holding a holiday action to Stop Sprint this Friday at 12 noon outside of Sprint’s government affairs office in Washington, DC. All we want for Christmas is our customers’ Internet access. Join us at 900 7th St NW this Friday, Dec. 18 at 12 p.m.

We are continuing to fight Sprint in the court, but we need your help to fight them on the streets. Let’s make sure Sprint does the right thing.