Voqal’s Leah Pryor-Lease to Moderate Panel at Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation Convening

May 18, 2016

Voqal Fund program officer and manager of the Voqal Fellowship, Leah Pryor-Lease will moderate a panel titled Effective Civic Tech: Getting Beyond Bubble Gum + Paper Clips at the 2016 Funders Committee for Civic Engagement Convening on Wednesday, May 25.

The panel will focus on a survey New Media Ventures recently conducted of emerging civic engagement technologies and will share its perspective on what works and what doesn’t. Leading technologists including Tiana Epps-Johnson from the Center for Tech and Civic Life, Cayden Mak from 18MillionRising.org and Julie Menter from New Media Ventures will discuss promising solutions and share innovative approaches to funding and supporting these tools.

The Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP) exists to promote civic participation as a key to making democracy work. It serves leaders in the philanthropic community working to further this vision with heightened attention to issues of equity and historically disenfranchised and underrepresented communities. Members support nonpartisan efforts to engage voters, eliminate structural barriers to voting, advance reforms to improve government and electoral systems, and inspire public involvement in civic life. The FCCP community will gather May 23-25 to discuss and debate the elements required to build real change in the states – change that will lead to an effective, inclusive, and accountable democracy.

For more information about FCCP and its upcoming convening visit http://www.funderscommittee.org/.