Request for letters of intent: A new Voqal Fund project

Media and Technology to Advance the Money and Politics Movement

Voqal Fund is proud to announce a new philanthropic funding opportunity to combat the undue influence of outside money on American democracy. Voqal Fund is soliciting letters of intent for media and technology projects that engage citizens in the fight for a fair democratic process. If you are a media-maker, technologist, digital strategist, or progressive organizer, this open call is for you.

Voqal Fund’s objective with this request for letters of intent is to intervene in the fallout from The Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling and reduce the influence of moneyed interests on our nation’s civic arenas, including fair governance, courts and electoral politics. Voqal is committed to supporting creative, innovative projects that are likely to win victories for key policy initiatives. For the request for letters of intent, please visit

This open call is part of a multi-year strategy designed to provide critical support to the many efforts underway to mobilize citizens in the fight for equality and to mitigate the influence of the wealthy and special interests on the American democratic process. Voqal is committing $300,000 in this funding round and intends to award several grants ranging from $25,000-$100,000.

For more information about this program and information on how to submit an LOI, please visit or sign up for our mailing list below. No unsolicited phone calls or emails, please.