Conference to Focus on Closing Digital Divide

September 9, 2015

Without online access, many poor and low-income global citizens face serious roadblocks in education, employment and participation in world politics.

Voqal will join researchers, policymakers and practitioners at the Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide (PPDD) 2015 International Conference, addressing the issue of inequity in online access across the world.

Cassie Bair, managing director of Voqal’s Mobile Citizen initiative, will participate in the “Practitioners Speak” panel, speaking to the challenges faced by low-income Americans, as well as the efforts Mobile Citizen has made to bridge the digital divide with affordable technology.

Other panel members represent the National Telecommunications and Information Association, EveryoneOn, Axiom Technologies, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance and the Kansas City Public Library.

Bair is optimistic about groups like Voqal working collectively toward a solution.

“With a collective focus on people, practices and policy, organizations have the ability to take effective steps to close the digital divide in the United States,” she said.

The Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide conference takes place in Scottsdale, Ariz., from Oct. 21-22. For more information, please visit the PPDD website.