Fighting for Transparency in Campaign Finance & Lobbying in Texas Politics

May 7, 2015

Texans for Public Justice tracks and exposes the influence of money and corporate power in state politics. Based in Austin and with help from Voqal Fund, this non-partisan nonprofit seeks to actualize political reform by building publicly accessible online databases containing over a decade of campaign contribution and expenditure records.

Since its inception in 1997, Texans for Public Justice has filed dozens of complaints against elected officials. Its extensive records have also served as resources for multiple media articles and investigations. The nonprofit’s most notable exposures have led to the indictments of former Governor Rick Perry and former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

In response to the growing impact of crowd sourcing on the Internet, this longstanding and successful public advocate has undertaken the arduous task of converting its massive database into an accessible online platform. Texans for Public Justice hopes to empower the public to uncover and monitor the dealings between elected officials and financial power brokers in Texas politics.