Highlighting Distinct Voices in Music and Democracy in Portland

April 15, 2016

Portland, Oregon based X-RAY.fm operates a noncommercial FM radio station to promote civic engagement using digital media and technology to foster, broadcast and disseminate progressive discourse in the Portland community. They provide a forum for discussion and an outlet for local creatives, training in media production and storytelling, and outreach to communities whose voices are missing from the current radio landscape.

Thanks to the Voqal Fund’s support, X-Ray.fm was able to host a series of policy interviews concerning democracy reform and campaign finance. This included a story on Seattle’s Honest Elections success in public campaign finance and anti-corruption measures. The interviews done around these issues eventually led to the formation of the Honest Elections working group that aims to change Portland’s campaign finance laws in the coming year.

This funding also enabled X-Ray.fm to celebrate the winners of the Radio is Yours contest and recognize Portland champions of justice at its XRAY.fm Awards event. The Radio is Yours contest is aimed at connecting creative storytellers with people and organizations who deserve to have their stories told. Those honored included advocates for housing justice and environmental preservation, Don’t Shoot Portland’s lead organizer (and Black Lives Matter activist), and the Portland hip hop community.

XRay.fm continues to feature the best and most distinct Portland content has to offer in order to build a more open media and just community.