Innovation Challenge Spurs Creative Solutions to Street Harassment

Dec. 15, 2015

Hollaback! is a nonprofit organization and international movement to end street harassment, founded on the belief that everyone has the right to safety in public spaces. In 2015, the organization hosted an Innovation Challenge and received proposals for ideas that included public art projects, safety audits with city government and documentary films.

Hollaback! selected winning proposals from over 140 submissions and provided funding for the winners to present at HOLLA::Revolution in London on July 23, where they also attended a workshop to encourage leadership growth.

Participant Alicia Wallace of Hollaback! Bahamas helped create “HERassment Stories: An Experiential Documentary,” a short film capturing the everyday sexual harassment experiences of women in the Bahamas. She commented:

The Innovation Challenge was a great experience which gave us the rare opportunity to develop a project, receive feedback and get it funded. The process was educational, our team felt supported by the Hollaback! staff, and we are beyond grateful for this opportunity and the way it will help us to serve our community.

With help from Voqal Fund, Hollaback! is continuing its mission to end street harassment so everyone can feel safe and confident in public places.