Love Wins, Marriage Equality Finally a Reality for all Families in Oregon

May 15, 2015

Voqal Fund proudly supports efforts to close gaps in social equity for the LGBTQ community. With marriage equality gaining ground nationwide, we celebrate the victory achieved by Basic Rights Oregon (BRO). With help from Voqal Fund, BRO’s Freedom to Marry initiative generated strongly positive perceptions of same-sex couples among the Oregon public.

While marriage equality was ultimately achieved through the Oregon courts, building public support for freedom to marry has strengthened Basic Rights Oregon and bodes well for securing complete equity for the LGBTQ community in Oregon.

BRO successfully deployed volunteers to reach over 160,000 Oregonians, educating them on the negative impact of barring gay and lesbian couples from the freedom to marry. BRO intends to build on this victory by focusing their work on LGBTQ youth, LGBTQ people of color and transgender Oregonians.

Although our nation has reached the tipping point on LGBTQ rights, there are still many battles ahead, and Basic Rights Oregon remains vigilant in actively working toward full equality for all.