Mikva Challenge Enables Youth to Become Agents of Change in Their Communities

February 22, 2017

Mikva Challenge develops youth to be informed, empowered and active citizens and community leaders. It does this by engaging youth in action civics, an authentic and transformative learning process built on youth voice and expertise. Its programs continue to teach young people how to be civic changemakers who have the power to transform their schools and communities, critically analyze the root causes of problems and mobilize support for their cause among peers, schools and community leaders. Thanks to support from Voqal, Mikva Challenge was not only able to continue making young people more civically engaged last year, but also provided them with the important 21st Century skills needed to thrive in their daily lives.

In 2016, Mikva Challenge increased youth civic engagement in several ways. First, it provided youth with authentic and transformative democratic experiences through programs like Democracy in Action. Second, it developed agency and future commitment to civic action through programs like its Citywide Youth Council. Third, it provided youth with the skills and knowledge to be effective citizens through opportunities like the Peace and Leadership Council. Lastly, it increased exposure, demand and access to action civics by engaging teachers, school and community leaders through Center for Action Civics programs and citywide youth events.

Mikva Challenge’s work to create a more informed and empowered citizenry is a key component of advancing social equity. Its focus on youth creates a culture of life-long civic engagement that will pay dividends for not only the participants in its programs, but also society as a whole. Voqal is proud to have supported Mikva Challenge in these efforts and looks forward to its continued success engaging youth in the civic process during the coming year.