Mobile Citizen Files Lawsuit to Stop Sprint from Turning Off Broadband Service

October 14, 2015

On November 6, Sprint is shutting down its WiMax network, effectively shutting off Internet access to more than 300,000 people. While we have been trying for a year to work with Sprint to transition our customers off the WiMax network and onto the surviving LTE network we have encountered a series of serious problems and Sprint has failed to take any meaningful steps to move our customers over. Instead, it has created roadblock after roadblock, including a lack of eligible devices and throttling our schools, nonprofits and social welfare agencies.

Mobile Citizen and Mobile Beacon filed this complaint to compel Sprint to honor the contractual agreement to us, the 429 schools, 1,820 nonprofits, 61 libraries and countless communities we serve.

For more information, and to take action, please visit the Mobile Citizen LTE page.

Together, we can stop the shutdown, make Sprint stop throttling, and continue to provide our schools, nonprofits and families with the high quality Internet service they deserve.