New Fellowship Empowers Journalists

September 28, 2015

The UpTake, a Minnesota-based nonprofit and Voqal Fund grantee, has announced its Fall 2015 Conflict-Sensitive Video Journalism Fellowship. The fellowship enhances journalists’ ability to report political, social, economic and cultural conflict in their communities through video journalism.

The first fellowship class is comprised of five journalists and photojournalists based in Minnesota. They will receive a $500 monthly stipend and an iPad mini, plus video production accessories to take back to their communities and produce reports for their fellow citizens.

The fellows also participate in public symposiums with conflict-sensitive journalism and conflict-resolution experts. The first symposium, called “Exploring Conflict-Sensitive Journalism,” is Sept. 29 from 7-9 p.m. CDT. Conflict-Sensitive Journalism empowers journalists to report on events and issues without exacerbating harmful conflict.

The second symposium, called “Exploring Respect in Reporting,” is Oct. 22 from 7-9 p.m. CDT. The event will explore the Respect in Reporting campaign, which provides journalists with guidelines for covering urban violence developed by families affected by violence and Boston-area journalists.

Both symposiums are free and open to the public and will be live streamed at

The UpTake is an independent, nonprofit online news organization founded in 2007 with the following ideas: That media should find and tell the truth without fear or favor; that citizens have the tools to report and explain events without relying on news controlled by large corporations; and that it is the duty of citizens to hold power accountable and to make government transparent to the governed.

Read more about the Conflict-Sensitive Video Journalism Fellowship

Read more about The Uptake