Nominate a fellow

The race is on! Starting today, we’re reaching out to entrepreneurs, change-makers, academics. and thought leaders to nominate individuals for the inaugural class of Media Ideation Fellows. Do you know a young leader with a big idea that could transform progressive politics or remedy a social inequity? Simply scroll down, enter their name and email address, and hit submit. It’s that easy.

Why a nomination process? Well, we wanted to make it possible for many individuals to come together in support of tomorrow’s change makers. You don’t have to be nominated in order to apply for the fellowship program, but we will send an advance alert to all nominees before applications open, letting them know that their community stands behind them. And yes, you can even nominate yourself.

You can also nominate multiple candidates by refreshing this page. There’s no limit to how many individuals you can send our way! But, as a reminder, ideal candidates for this program:

  • Are driven, tech-savvy social change agents who thrive under self-direction.
  • Have a specific idea, area of expertise, or project they could pursue. We’re looking for the creators of tomorrow’s or Blue State Digital.
  • Should be currently enrolled graduate students, have recently received an advanced degree, or are in the first three to five years of their career.
  • Must be based in the U.S. and have U.S. citizenship.

Note: Contact information entered below will only be used to notify nominees of their eligibility for this program. We will not sell any contact information gathered via this form.