Plenary Day 3: Change is Coming. Are You Ready?

By Kristen Meador, via the 2014 NTC Conference in Washington, D.C.
March 15, 2014

The crowd was a bit slower moving this morning after last night’s revelries, but eager nonetheless to hear Willa Seldon from Bridgespan Group discuss new trends in the intersection of technology and philanthropy.

Before the main event, NTEN’s Amy Sample Ward gave a rundown on data about attendance, including what countries were represented at this year’s conference. With registrants coming from as far as Nepal, Australia and New Zealand, 21 countries were represented in all!

BixZteuCAAA8VCDAfter a handful of meaningful awards were given, Ms. Seldon took the stage and declared this morning’s meeting an “important gathering of the tribe.” She began her keynote by reinforcing the pivotal role technology is playing in the nonprofit world. Declaring that while facing “big, hairy social problems” isn’t new to NTEN attendees, the role of analytical tools and data in making these changes is evolving.

Read more at NTEN