SiX Action Helps Progressives Make Strides on Equal Pay and Family Leave Policy Engagement Through Digital Media

November 17, 2016


The State Innovation Exchange (SiX) Action is a national resource and strategy center that supports state legislators in advancing and defending progressive policies across the country. With a long-term vision of building progressive power and infrastructure at the state level, it has built a network of more than 1,500 elected officials who represent all 50 states. From supporting working families and protecting the environment to strengthening our democracy and defending civil rights, SiX Action assists legislators who are working to move a progressive agenda forward in the states. Thanks in part to support from Voqal, SiX Action was able to conduct a data-driven, digital advocacy campaign on equal pay and family leave in 22 target districts in Iowa, Minnesota and Colorado.

Six Action’s digital campaign had several goals including improving legislative activity in targeted states, utilizing the legislative process and issues facing the states to build political power and demonstrate a clear contrast between progressives and conservatives, holding legislators accountable and rewarding their positive action, and advancing a more progressive agenda in states. As part of this effort, it delivered 5 million digital media impressions in Colorado and 8 million impressions in Minnesota. In Colorado, this project and SiX Action’s policy support to legislators, motivated the House to prioritize equal pay as House Bill 1 and made it one of their primary focuses during the 2016 legislative session.

SiX Action’s use of digital ads to influence legislative support for equal pay and family leave demonstrates the power of digital media to increase grassroots engagement. The lessons learned from this campaign should enable SiX Action and other progressive players in the digital space to more effectively target these types of campaigns in the future. Voqal is a proud supporter of advancing progressive issues through the use of technology and media and looks forward to continued success in this area.