Voqal Joins 170 Organizations Urging Congress to Invest in Meaningful Broadband Deployment

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Last week, Voqal joined over 170 organizations asking Congress to invest in universal, future-proof broadband.

According to the letter:

“It is time to act to end the digital divide forever by passing a national broadband infrastructure program that will deliver universal, affordable, 21st century ready access.”

“All across the nation, gaps in accessible and affordable broadband connectivity due to a lack of infrastructure capable of meeting today’s and tomorrow’s communications needs have clearly been demonstrated. In fact, it is reported that 35% of rural Americans do not have access to broadband from any provider. Millions more, including low-income urban neighborhoods, may have rudimentary access but at speeds too slow, too unreliable, and too expensive to accommodate distance learning, telehealth, or working from home – now essential requirements in today’s economy.”

Voqal is dedicated to closing the digital divide. That is why we created Mobile Citizen, a low-cost internet service that helps serve schools, libraries, and nonprofits. Far too many Americans lack access to affordable and robust broadband. While we will continue to work to help close this gap, we also encourage Congress to set policy and invest in networks of the future so that all Americans have an opportunity to participate in the 21st Century economy.

Learn more by reading the full letter.