Voqal Supports Those Who Support Voting

November 4, 2016

Here at Voqal we believe the key to a socially equitable world is an educated, empowered and engaged public. One of the best ways individual public citizens can become empowered and engage with society is to exercise the right to vote. Because of this reality, Voqal supports many organizations that work continuously to ensure voters know how to vote and are not impeded from doing so.

Take Common Cause. It works to protect voting rights. Also, its fight to implement initiatives like Automatic Voter Registration, which are aimed at making voting easier, is central to ensuring more people have their voice heard at the ballot box. Lastly, their efforts to get big money out of politics in places like Portland, Oregon aim to combat the disenfranchisement many voters face when they see millions of dollars in corporate money poured into elections to lessen the impact of their individual votes.

Voqal also supports organizations all over the country that are working tirelessly to engage populations with traditionally low voter turnout. Organizations like the Communities United and Chicago Votes who are working to mobilize millennials of color to exercise their right to vote in Illinois. Or groups like Center for Community Change Action that are mobilizing Latino communities in Colorado. In addition, Voqal supports nonprofits like FairVote Minnesota, which is trying to engage low turnout voters by changing the paradigm through the implementation of Ranked Choice Voting, a revolutionary new way to vote.

These are just some of the ways Voqal’s support is helping the public to become more empowered and engaged by voting. Voqal is grateful for organizations like Secretary of State offices and local and national nonprofits (like the one’s above) that help make casting a ballot easier for the average citizen. We thank these organizations for the work they have done in 2016 to ensure everyone has the opportunity to cast their vote. Join us in appreciating all of their hard work by making sure you vote this Tuesday, November 8th!