
in Voqal

June 18, 2018 MPower Change is the largest Muslim-led social and racial justice organization in the United States. Rooted in the Islamic faith, it believes in building a more just world for all people. It is building a grassroots movement made up of diverse Muslim and ally communities throughout the United States. Thanks to Voqal’s

in Voqal

June 14, 2018 In May, we wrote about a major rulemaking the FCC is currently considering regarding Educational Broadband Service (EBS) spectrum. The FCC approved a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that could dramatically impact the educational use of this spectrum, 5G deployment and rural and tribal broadband. Voqal welcomes the Commission’s decision to modernize use

in Voqal

June 13, 2018 Voqal is proud to support S. 2958. This bill, sponsored by Sen. Udall and Sen. Gardner, would allow the use of E-rate funds for wireless access on school buses. This legislation would help address one of the most significant challenges students and educators face today – the homework gap. As an Educational

in Voqal

June 11, 2018 On Wednesday, Voqal’s director of telecommunications strategy, Mark Colwell, will be presenting at Mountain Connect in Vail, Colorado. Mountain Connect is a multiday conference that features some of the leading experts on broadband deployment. Colwell’s panel focuses on a research project he conducted while studying at the Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program at the

in Voqal

June 8, 2018 South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) fights for racial justice and advocates for the civil rights of all South Asians in the United States. It is the only national, staffed organization that advocates around issues affecting South Asian communities through a social justice framework. Thanks to support from Voqal, SAALT made significant

in Voqal

June 1, 2018 Center for Media Justice works to build a powerful movement for a more just and participatory media and digital world. Its Voices for Internet Freedom project represents communities of color in the fight for real network neutrality and an open, non-discriminatory internet. Thanks to Voqal’s support, the Voices for Internet Freedom coalition

in Offering Fellowships, Voqal

May 23, 2018 The Voqal Fellowship is an investment in a new generation of social entrepreneurs interested in launching their next “big idea” aimed at increasing equity for those who are least well off politically, economically and/or socially. This month we look at 2018 Voqal Fellow Jeremiah Smith and his project For the Record. Jeremiah

in Voqal

May 18, 2018 The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social and political life of a diverse society. ICIRR educates and organizes immigrant and refugee communities to assert their rights; promotes citizenship and civic

in Offering Fellowships, Voqal

May 16, 2018 The following is an article from 2018 Voqal Fellow, Nick Guthman outlining three things he’s learned from his Voqal Fellowship project, Blue Future. You can read more from Nick, including the original version of this post, on his Medium @nick.guthman. Over the past 10 months, I’ve been leading a team of 10

in Voqal

May 11, 2018 Voices for Racial Justice advances racial, cultural, social and economic justice in Minnesota. It does this using organizer and leadership trainings, strategic convenings and campaigns, and research and policy tools. Using a healing justice framework, Voices for Racial Justice is focused on building a strong ecosystem of racial justice in Minnesota. Thanks

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