Former Grantee Wins Award for Documentary on Migrant Death on the Border

November 11, 2015 

A team from Making Contact, a former Voqal Fund grantee, has won a Feature Storytelling award from the SPJ Northern California Chapter for “Deadly Divide,” a radio documentary on migrant deaths along the US/Mexico border. The documentary is an example of Making Contact’s coverage of underreported issues and compelling style of storytelling.

In August of 2014, Making Contact producer Jasmin Mara Lopez and photojournalist Brandon Thibodeaux traveled to Brooks County, Texas, to explore and document the human cost of U.S. border enforcement strategies. The resulting documentary is accompanied by a moving set of images taken by Brandon, who has spent the last few years documenting life on both sides of the border.

Listen to “Deadly Divide: Migrant Death on the Border” and view Brandon’s photographs.

Making Contact is part of International Media Project, an independent, non-profit organization committed to investigative journalism, in-depth critical analysis, the promotion of civic participation and the dissemination of educational material. The Voqal Fund is proud to have supported Making Contact in 2013 for its work on the multi-media project, “What the Fork? How Corporations are Controlling our Food and our Democracy.”

The Voqal Fund is dedicated to supporting the dissemination of alternative ideas and building a more engaged public to effect progressive social change and disrupt the status quo. Learn more here.