Making Grants

in Making Grants, Voqal

Dec. 7, 2015 MIGIZI Communications is a nonprofit organization that has been serving the Twin Cities American Indian community for more than 35 years. A recent initiative, Media Mentors for Social Justice, engaged 26 American Indian youth in new media production training and social justice issues. The students produced 11 media projects promoting and investigating healthy food

in Making Grants

December 4, 2015 Have an idea for a project that encourages more genuine representation in our republic so it comes closer to truly being of the people, by the people and for the people? Through this open call, the Pluribus Project and New Media Ventures are looking to support proposals that work towards a goal of fixing our democracy by

in Making Grants

Dec. 3, 2105 The Hollaback! One Touch Reporting App, a new mobile app offered by Hollaback!, allows users to map harassment they experience in public and share their stories. The app, which was released on Sept. 9 of this year, currently serves 92 cities in 32 countries and is offered 18 languages. A nonprofit working to

in Making Grants

Dec. 2, 2015 The Hmong Pioneers project, undertaken by the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN), seeks to preserve a unique Saint Paul success story – the integration of Hmong refugees who immigrated to the St. Paul, Minn., area beginning in the 1970s. The Hmong are part of an ethnic group from southeast Asia who sought refuge in the U.S. following the

in Making Grants

Nov. 30, 2015 Access Now is an international human rights organization protecting the digital rights of at-risk Internet users across the world. Combining innovative policy, user engagement and technical support, the group fights for open and secure communications for all. Access Now believes political participation and human rights in the 21st century is increasingly dependent on access

in Making Grants

November 25, 2015 The Online Progressive Engagement Network (OPEN) is a new and growing association of the world’s leading nation-based digital campaigning organizations. The network is demonstrating how its “Open Way” — non-competition; member ownership; aligned values and practice; a culture of trust and respect — can build a global community of innovative change-makers, each more powerful than they would be alone. Using

in Making Grants

November 18, 2015 Community TV Network (CTVN) is a nonprofit empowering Chicago youth with training in video and multimedia production. Through CTVN’s programs, young people become inspired to speak from their own unique points of view and promote dialogue on community solutions. The nearly 500 videos in CTVN’s media library form a vibrant digital catalogue composed of authentic

in Making Grants, Voqal

November 17, 2015 Several museums across the country, including the Field Museum of Chicago, recently announced they have divested their financial portfolios from fossil fuels, with some implementing gift policies preventing them from accepting funding from fossil fuel companies. Earlier this spring, The Natural History Museum, a Voqal USA grantee, coordinated a letter from 30 climate scientists,

in Making Grants

November 11, 2015  A team from Making Contact, a former Voqal Fund grantee, has won a Feature Storytelling award from the SPJ Northern California Chapter for “Deadly Divide,” a radio documentary on migrant deaths along the US/Mexico border. The documentary is an example of Making Contact’s coverage of underreported issues and compelling style of storytelling. In August of 2014, Making

in Making Grants

November 9, 2015 Democracy shouldn’t come with a price tag. That’s why the Voqal Fund supports initiatives designed to get money out of politics and ensure every citizen has an equal voice. Last week’s elections saw victories in campaign finance reform in Seattle and Maine, bolstered by support from Voqal Fund partnerships. On Nov. 3, Seattle citizens voted to create a

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