
in Voqal

June 29, 2017 On July 12, 2017, Voqal will join websites, internet users and online communities coming together to sound the alarm about the FCC’s attack on net neutrality. New FCC Chairman and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai has a plan to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies immense control over what happens

in Increasing Internet Access, Voqal

June 22, 2017 The following is a story from Mobile Citizen’s website featuring an exciting project from the North Clackamas School District made possible thanks to the low-cost, mobile internet it receives from Mobile Citizen. Learn how other nonprofits and schools are utilizing this valuable resource to accomplish great things at mobilecitizen.org. North Clackamas School

in Offering Fellowships, Voqal

June 21, 2017 The Voqal Fellowship is an investment in a new generation of social entrepreneurs. Fellows receive financial resources and mentoring to help bring an early stage idea to life. The Voqal Fellowship is an opportunity for young innovators to test assumptions, research target audiences and build strong business plans. This week we take

in Making Grants, Voqal

June 12, 2017 Thousands of progressive individuals and several progressive organizations came together in Chicago this past weekend for The People’s Summit. Billed as an attempt to build a “People’s Agenda that can enhance and expand issue campaigns and hold all elected officials accountable to popular demands for justice, equality and freedom” many topics and

in Investing for Educational Impact, Voqal

June 2, 2017 The following is the latest post from Voqal Education Program Director Vinny Badolato sharing his thoughts on one way Voqal can help address the opportunity gap. Voqal Education is focused on measurably reducing educational opportunity gaps so that every child can reach their full potential and thrive. We target interventions that have

in Increasing Internet Access, Voqal

May 26, 2017 Cassie Bair, Mobile Citizen chief business development executive, is scheduled to moderate a panel at the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition (SHLB) annual conference on May 31. Cassie’s panel is part of a Digital Inclusion Workshop co-sponsored by SHLB and the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA). The workshop will offer a targeted

in Making Grants, Voqal

May 23, 2017 The Committee to Protect Oakland Renters is a broad coalition of organizations and community members who are fighting for the future of Oakland. It includes housing and tenant advocates, labor unions, and other community leaders who recognize that housing displacement and lack of affordable housing has now reached crisis proportions in Oakland.

in Making Grants, Voqal

May 19, 2017 Silicon Valley Rising is a coordinated campaign driven by an unprecedented coalition of labor, faith leaders, community-based organizations and workers. It aspires to a new vision for Silicon Valley where all workers, their families and communities are valued. Thanks to Voqal’s support, Silicon Valley Rising successfully passed Opportunity to Work in San

in Making Grants, Voqal

May 16, 2017 Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) organizes Arizona’s low-and moderate-income and minority families to take action on the issues most important to them and to advance the cause of social and economic justice for all. Thanks to support from Voqal, LUCHA and the Arizona Healthy Working Families campaign led a successful

in Making Grants, Voqal

May 12, 2017 Melange of Appalachia supports the creation and operation of community radio stations and community centers with the goal of disseminating useful information and resources to the general public. These spaces provide venue for social justice organizations, musicians and individuals to engage and participate in cultural exchange and the dissemination of information to

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